Flying Stone Films

Cinematography, the art and technology of motion-picture photography. It involves such techniques as the general composition of a scene; the lighting of the set or location; the choice of cameras, lenses, filters, and film stock; the camera angle and movements; and the integration of any special effects

The Five C’s of Cinematography cover pretty much all the technical aspects that we need to know about. The 5 Cs are Camera angles, Continuity, Cutting, Close-ups, and Composition. Let’s know about them.

1 . Camera Angles

We can never forget that the camera is the viewer’s eyes. A great way to think about camera angles is that they can help you get a different view or perspective on a scene or subject, and in turn produce a more interesting frame. Filmmakers use a variety of camera angles to convey meaning, emotion and provide information about their subject.

2. Continuity

Continuity is the principle of making sure that all details in a film or TV show are consistent from shot to shot and from scene to scene. If a scene upholds the standards of continuity, each shot feels as though it seamlessly flows from the previous shot, reinforcing a sense of realism in the story.

3. Cutting

When well-executed, cross-cutting in film editing, allows viewers to suspend disbelief and process multiple scenes as though they are taking place concurrently. In some cases, the scenes really do occur simultaneously—like two fight scenes occurring in different parts of the same room. Other times, these scenes take place far apart from one another, but masterful editing techniques make it seem as though they occupy the same time and space

4. Close-ups

Close-ups draw the audience’s attention to the main characters and communicate the importance of their presence, reactions, and/or behavior. They can also draw attention to specific objects that add context, drive the narrative, and help the audience better understand the story.

5. Composition

At its core, film and video composition is the arrangement of visual information within a camera frame. Directors deliberately compose the frame in a way that controls the narrative and induces viewers to pay attention to certain characters or points of interest in a scene.

Cinematography is About Souls Not Pixels!

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